This workshop offers an introduction to sensation and state-oriented bodywork. It aims to guide participants towards a so-called Full Drop into the body, in search of the potential for an increased presence on stage. In the greater context, this workshop offers an alternative way of approaching the body itself, and those who work with it on a professional level, and creates a space for non manipulated movement research.
A part of this research is to release the professional dancer’s "outside eye" that observes, judges and separates the dancer from the inner experience, and to practice connecting to and getting conscious of that which goes on within beyond the conditioned body memory. This process is healing, as well as an introduction to intensified and new sensorial physical experiences. During this process of unwinding, both psychological and physiological barriers of resistance can be met. While the practice itself is gentle, the decision to let go of control, and thereby give into the body and allow it to move you versus you moving it, is profound.
This process simultaneously questions older concepts of how we relate to our professional body and methods of disciplining and dominating that body in order to gain control over it and have it perform.
Torstai 14.6. klo 10-16 & perjantai 15.6. klo 10-15
Ohjaaja: Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir
Paikka: Zodiak studio C4
Kesto: 11 h (sisältää lounastauot)
Kurssimaksu: 160 euroa
Ilmoittautuminen 24.5. mennessä
Kurssi on täynnä! Ota yhteyttä: jos haluat jonotuslistalle.
Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir was born and raised in Iceland. She has toured internationally with her own work since 2010 and currently lives and works in Berlin. Displaying the politics of intimacy is a core theme within her choreographic work while working with and exploring pathologies of the social political body within our own bodies. Margrét Sara has collaborated with a consistent team of performers over the last five years and the soundscapes which accompany the works are exclusively created by and with Peter Rehberg (PITA),electronic composer and director of the record label Editions MEGO in Vienna.
In 2015 Margrét Sara became artist in residence at the Cullberg Ballet in Stockholm. Creating her second commissioned work for the Cullberg Ballet in 2017. She teaches periodically at the Icelandic Dance company, dance department of the Art University of Iceland, BA dance program at DOCH in Stockholm, MA department of choreography in the Theater Academy of the Art University of Helsinki, Dansalliansen Stockholm, Dansehallerne Copenhagen, Kiezkieken- program of dance workshops for refugee women in Berlin.
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Lisätiedot ja tiedustelut: Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p. 050 587 0470 (arkisin klo 11-16)