Choreographer-performer Benoît Lachambre proposes a workshop based on his somatic practice, focusing on perfecting technique around somatic movement. His varied approaches to teaching have been developed through unique performance projects at his dance company, Par B.L.eux.

Over the course of one week, participants will work on heightening their awareness of the senses within a collective space. Through a guided ideation process and the emergence of dynamic body architecture, they will have the chance to engage in a perpetually morphing conversation and reconnect with somatic approaches on a deeper level. Benoît offers participants a space where they can renew their connection to their own inner choreographic events, opening up dialogue between internal and external functions of physicality.

Tiistai-perjantai 7.-10.1. klo 9.30-16.30 (ruokatauko klo 11.30-12.30)
Paikka: Teatterikorkeakoulu, studio 709
Kesto: 24 h
Kurssimaksu: 100 euroa
Ilmoittautuminen 19.12. mennessä
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Työpaja toteutetaan yhteistyössä Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulun kanssa. Kurssi on osa tanssitaiteen maisteriopiskelijoiden opintokokonaisuutta. Mukaan mahtuu opiskelijoiden lisäksi kahdeksan tanssin ammattilaista.

Active in the dance community since the 1970s, Benoît Lachambre first learned about Releasing in 1985. This kinesthetic approach to movement and its use of improvisation became an important influence on his choreographic work. He decided to immerse himself in an exploratory approach to movement and its sources, to seek out the authenticity of movement. His work, both as a choreographer and a performer, has at its centre the hyper-awareness of the senses, and the connection between the somatic and the artistic is central to his practice.
He founded his own company in Montréal in 1996, christening it Par B.L.eux, ‘B.L.’ for his own initials and ‘eux’ for the artists he chooses to collaborate with, and who have become central to his artistic process.

Benoît Lachambre is one of the foremost artist-choreographer-performers of his generation. He has created 17 works for his own company since Par B.L.eux was founded, and participated in more than 20 productions by other companies, in addition to some 25 commissioned works.

With the solo, Lifeguard (2016), presented at the June Events Festival in Paris in June 2016, Benoît Lachambre seeks to further deconstruct the notion of the choreographic impulse as well as the redefinition of performer / spectator roles. He affirmed and deepened this desire in Fluid Grounds, a group work, premiered at the TransAmériques Festival in June 2018.

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Lisätiedot ja tiedustelut: Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p 050 587 0470 (arkisin klo 10-16)