Love and the loved one’s absence are the subject of countless lieder, folk songs, chansons and duets. Thank You For Your Love is a minimalistic piece by Anna Mustonen and Masi Tiitta which takes its place within a time-honoured tradition of love duets. Stripped to the essentials and based on reiteration, it pays tribute to the power of the gaze and the gazed-upon.
"Utterances of love are always addressed to an Other, even is s/he is no more than a phantom or creature of the future. Why speak of love other than to someone?" - Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments
This performance is a gift for you.
Guest performance
Choreography, dance Anna Mustonen, Masi Tiitta
Photo Heidi Lind
Production Anna Mustonen, Masi Tiitta, Ehkä-production, Studio Burdag
Double-bill evening with Hyvä Ystävä – A Good Friend by Eliisa Erävalo & Kati Korosuo
Tickets 20/12 €
Post-performance discussion 23.2.