Annual Rings by choreographer Virva Talonen is a piece that builds on personal and collective history.

The piece features five dancers, women of various ages, each born in a different decade. Five characters, five minds, five bodies. Five histories and futures, five entry points and exits. Five relationships to the very moment at hand.

The piece is constructed around conversation, creating situations arising from the present moment through speech and movement. Topics of conversation change, but the people remain the same. Dancers Marjo Kuusela, Arja Raatikainen, Riikka Räsänen, Heidi Masalin and Unna Kitti have memories, doubts, excitements and dreams. They present to us a history that rewrites itself every moment. 



Choreography, direction Virva Talonen
Dance Marjo Kuusela, Arja Raatikainen, Riikka Räsänen, Heidi Masalin, Unna Kitti
Lighting design Nanni Vapaavuori
Sound design Jaakko Kujala
Production Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Katve [blind spot], Virva Talonen
Residency Ehkä-tuotanto/Kutomo (Turku), The Work Room (Glasgow)
Photo Uupi Tirronen

Performance language Finnish
Duration 60 min

Post-performance discussion 6.5.

Tickets 22/14 €