Valtteri Raekallio's physical theatre of the mind – based on the novel by Jaakko Yli-Juonikas
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Neuromaani is a multi-art performance based on the award-winning 2012 novel by Jaakko Yli-Juonikas. The immersive performance combines elements of contemporary dance, theatre, radio play, live action role play and art installation, and is set in the buildings of Maria Hospital in Helsinki, where it assumes the form of a multi-layered labyrinth of imagination and reality.
You hear a voice inside your head – but it is not the voice of reason. Neuromaani is an organic fabric shaped by the decisions made by each individual spectator – a performance-art hall of mirrors, a kaleidoscope, a ghost train, a sensory deprivation tank and a roller coaster in one. Let the voice inside your head guide you to the depths of the brain.
The work will be premiered on Fri, August 20 at 19:00, as part of the Helsinki festival. Other performences at the Helsinki Festival:
- Sun 21.8. at 19:00
- Wed 24.8. at 19:00
- Thu 25.8. at 19:00
- Fri 26.8. at 19:00
- Sat 27.8. at 19:00
Concept and realization Valtteri Raekallio
Script Jaakko Yli-Juonikas & Valtteri Raekallio
Performers Auri Ahola, Karoliina Kauhanen, Teemu Kyytinen, Misa Lommi, Eero Vesterinen
Sound actor Jarmo Koski
Set design Aino Koski
Set design assistant Salli Kari
Assisting set designers, Aalto University
Tuuli Ahonen, Una Auri, Mimosa Kuusimäki, VIrpi Nieminen ja Bea Tornberg
Sound design Aki Päivärinne
Assisting sound designers, University of the Arts Helsinki Atte Kantonen, Kalle Rasinkangas ja Oula Rytkönen
Technical design Lauri Lundahl
Assisting performers
On Wednesdays Saija Jäntti, Laura Lee Kamppila, Ronja Korhonen, Päivi Korpela, Inari Penttilä, Anne Pietarinen, Sami Rekola, Marjaana Veikkanen
On Thursdays Fred Baube, Laura Lee Kamppila, Eija Kaskiharju, Jukka Piitulainen, Marjo Pipinen, Emma Susi, Mari Pääkkönen, Marjukka Savolainen, Mika Väyrynen
On Fridays Susanna Björkman, Päivi Gruzdaitis, Antti Hovila, Laura Lee Kamppila, Hanna Mari Kuivalainen, Saara Laakso, Lee Lahikainen, Rosa Lampela, Ilkka Lampi
On Saturdays Kukka Eskola, Laura Lee Kamppila, Leena Kuusisto, Anu Pulkkinen, Eija Raitala, Raino Ranta, Ilkka Lampi, Mervi Leivo, Niina Virkkala
Production Helsinki Festival, Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Raekallio Corp / Pohjoinen liike ry.
Executive Producer Valtteri Raekallio
Producer, Helsinki Festilva Saara Juvonen
Producers, Zodiak – Center for New Dance Maija Eränen & Elina Ruoho-Kurola
Producer, Raekallio Corp. Anni Leino
Photo Thomas Freundlich
Performance language Finnish
Post-performance discussion on 15.9.
Tickets 27,50 €
The work is not suitable for children.
Doors open at 18 30
MARIA HOSPITAL (Entrance from Mechelininkatu)