Actions x Figures, a performance by a workgroup directed by choreographer Mikko Makkonen, takes critical analysis and deconstruction of hypermasculinity as its starting point.
Hypermasculinity refers to the social and cultural construction of masculinity by putting emphasis on aggression, power, sexuality and a limited scale of emotional expression.
The performance aims to strip hypermasculine iconography of its forcefulness and to revolt through the body. It exhibits symptoms, reflects, strives for a balanced bodily existence and gives certain attributes a shake-up through multi-voiced assertion.
Actions x Figures is a study motivated by personal histories, body images, bodily qualities, cultural repetition, interactions, the private and the collective body and the construction and the interpretation of their meanings.
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Choreography: Mikko Makkonen & working group
Performers: Geoffrey Erista, Simeoni Juoperi, Pie Kär, Iiro Näkki, Oskari Turpeinen
Dramaturge: Eira Virekoski
Scenographer: Kristian Palmu
Sound designer: Viljami Lehtonen
Production: Zodiak, Mikko Makkonen
In collaboration with: Dance Theatre Minimi
Artistic mentor: Kim Modig
Supported by: Alfred Kordelin Foundation, The Finnish Cultural Foundation
Thank you: All the people who participated this process through our survey, Sanni Giordani, Kirsi Gum, Mia Jaatinen, Sanni Kriikku, Antti Lahti, Eetu Laine, Kim Modig, Katri Naukkarinen, Zodiak staff, Alfred Kordelin Foundation and The Finnish Cultural Foundation