On the Way Home / Edöntie, created and directed by choreographer Jenni Koistinen, takes place in an area of an old sawmill. It is also a journey into the post-industrial village landscape, a piece of our shared history.
The sawmill closed during the recession of the 1990s, but the area still bears memories of the ideals, the achievements and the sometimes controversial heritage of the industrial society of the early 20th century.
On the Way Home / Edöntie ponders on the multiple meanings of home. In addition to a physical home, we settle into ideologies, epochs, communities. Home refers to settling down and stability, but also to change; building and dismantling, parting ways and reforming. On the Way Home / Edöntie travels through different homes towards new homes; to those yet unknown to us.
In the performance, the audience is guided along the Edöntie road, the main artery of the village that traverses the area of the former sawmill. Performance venues include two private homes, two outdoor spaces and a steam engine museum.
Along with professional dancers, performers include non-professionals of different ages from Isnäs, Loviisa and Helsinki, and a number of local musicians.
On the Way Home / Edöntie is a continuation of Jenni Koistinen’s long-term work with participatory dance performances in different environments. It is part of her On the Way Home concept, the first version of which was staged in a suburban environment in Kannelmäki as part of Zodiak’s My Name Is art project in 2015.
Performances on 29 and 30 Aug are a part of the Kucku Kylä(ssä) festival. The performances on 5 and 6 Sep are arranged as a part of Loviisa Sibelius Festival’s off-program.
Information for the audience
The performance begins and ends in Kaarnaranta (Edöntie 142, Isnäs). Free transportation is arranged by bus from Helsinki on 29 and 30 August and from Loviisa on 5 and 6 September. No pre-reservation is required for the bus.
Bus from Helsinki on Sat 29.8. and Sun 30.8.:
- Departure at 14:00, bus stop in front of Kiasma, Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki
- Return at klo 18:30, Kaarnaranta, Edöntie 136, 07750 Isnäs
- One way journey is about 1,5 hrs
Bus from Loviisa on Sat 5.9. and Sun 6.9.
- Departure at 15:00, Loviisa Tourist Stop (Loviisan turistipysäkki), Aleksanterinkatu 9, 07900 Loviisa
- Return at 18:30 Kaarnaranta, Edöntie 136, 07750 Isnäs
- One way journey is about 30 min
Soup, snacks and drinks are available for purchase in Kaarnaranta before and after the performance. A toilet for customers is also available there.
The performance is a walking performance. Please wear good walking shoes and dress according to the weather. In case of rain please wear rain clothing instead of bringing an umbrella. We also recommend you bring your own face mask with you.
Choreography: Jenni Koistinen and the performers
Sound design: Esa Mattila
Performers: Beniamino Borghi, Amandine Doat, participants of the On the Way Home workshop Bavi Kpade Fidele, Nina Fogelberg, Laura Frösen, Ella Holappa, Jaakko Kaartinen, Ville Kulmala, Roosa Länsipuro, Auri Olkkonen, Lumi Olkkonen, Vilja Suomalainen, Ksenia Vaherjoki, Virppi Venell
Music: Esa Mattila, Mikko Idlax, Antti Pesonen, Virppi Venell
Production: Jenni Koistinen, Zodiak, Loviisa Contemporary ry, City of Loviisa
Supported by: Kone Foundation, Atrs Promotion Centre Finland, Jenny and Antti Wihuri's Foundation, Svenska Kulturfonden, Uusimaa Foundation, City of Loviisa, Loviisan taidekeskuksen tukiyhdistys ry
In collaboration with: Isnäsin kylätoimikunta, Isnäsin koulu – Isnäs Skola, Labby Catering