The starting point of the performance As time goes by, by choreographer Jenni-Elina von Bagh, is dense and philosophic, but the artistic outcome gives value to lightness and play. It sticks and stays with a sensation of troubled times and extrudes a vibration of joy.
In this performance the tragic and comic are pressed together as counterparts. While exposing multiple layers of the human body and its connectivity with its surroundings, the performance stretches towards the experience of time as a complex question.
As time goes by uses i.e. Elisabeth Grosz ́s work The Incorporeal (2017) as a philosophical reference and resonates with the concept of extramaterial by translating it into scenic composition. Through this encountering the performance-making-process values the virtual and incorporeal aspects within bodily and material becoming - a necessary co-actant in anything to become, anything to get materialized anything to variate, or to get realized.
A continuing interest of this working group is to research other-than-human performativity and design in context of contemporary performance. As time goes by celebrates a non-intellectual force of both human and other-than-human bodies by exceeding the existential dimension of a subject.
Choreography / Concept: Jenni-Elina von Bagh & working group
Dancers / Performers: Iiris Hilden, Linda Holma, Tuija Lappalainen, Johannes Purovaara, Hanna Raiskinmäki, Jussi Suomalainen
Part of the process: Geoffrey Erista
Costume design: Ingvill Fossheim
Set design: Virpi Nieminen
Lighting design: Luca Sirviö
Sound design: Tatu Nenonen
Dramaturg: Otto Sandqvist and Elli Salo
Producer: Anna Suoninen
Residency: Ehkä-production / Contemporary Art Space Kutomo, Santarcangelo, Davvi Centre for Performing Arts (Hammerfest, Norway)
Production: Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Jenni-Elina von Bagh
In cooperation with The Master’s Programme in Dance Performance at the University of the Arts. The work is the artistic part of the thesis of Iiris Hilden, Linda Holma and Tuija Lappalainen.
In collaboration with Ingvill Fossheim´s doctoral research ‘BioCostume: Experimental Costume Design with Biobased Co-Actants’ at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture.