This course is led by Raphaël Beau.

There will be more info on the content of this course soon.

This course is in English.

Raphaël Beau is a French performance artist, making performances and facilitating workshops based on the practice ´play and act from what is here´ he has been developing during his studies in Dance Performance at Uniarts Helsinki. His artistic practice is inspired by somatic practices, contemporary dance, improvisation and instant composition, and influenced by workshops with Mark Tompkins, Vera Mantero, João Fiadeiro, Yann Lheureux, Jackie Taffanel, among others. His performances are his practice at work, integrated into a score, implemented in the presence of an audience. He explores performing in different contexts where the performance reveals the multiplicity of ways to be present to a place. The workshops he facilitates offer a playground for participants to process their own practices, to investigate states of performing, and to explore ways of facilitating. His practice grows and accumulates layers by being implemented again and again in various locations, including public spaces. Raphaël has 10 years of experience in community and social work, during which he developed his performance practice alongside community work. His experience as a facilitator in the context of social work has informed his practice when it comes to making performances, meeting audiences and facilitating workshops.

Indulge the Movement – Contemporary Dance for All courses are mainly instructed by the choreographers and performers of Zodiak's previous, current and upcoming season's performances. Indulge the Movement courses are suitable for everyone, and you can join even without any prior dance experience. The classes focus on motion and movement while also offering an opportunity to explore various dance practices through alternating instructors.

All you need are comfortable clothes suitable for movement and a water bottle. During the classes, we dance barefoot or with socks.