About Countertechnique// Countertechnique provides tools for body and mind to deal with the demanding dance practice of the 21st century. It is a movement system to help the dancer think about the dancing body, focusing on the process of incorporating information into action. Within a clear structure of exercises, the Countertechnique class thoroughly prepares the body for rehearsal and performance, enabling dancers to move bigger, more fluidly and more spatially, while becoming stronger and more flexible.
Jussi Nousiainen studied Countertechnique with founder Anouk van Dijk, danced in her works between 2011 and 2013, and completed the Countertechnique Teacher Training program in 2012.“For me, dance is a union between the physical, intellectual and spiritual, allowing a deep connection to oneself in the present. Countertechnique is pragmatic and liberating method to explore and extend the possibilities of my own bodily existence, without needing to submit to imagery or esthetic ideals of any particular dance style. It allows me to work healthier and perform with less effort. It also provides plenty of food for thought and inspiration, regardless of ones personal artistic aspirations. I frequently catch myself applying Countertechnique principles, 'doing it' to feel more comfortable and at ease, in and out of dance studio.”
Perjantai-Sunnuntai 7.-9.6. klo 15-17.30
Paikka: Zodiak studio C4 (Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 C, 00180 Helsinki)
Kesto: 7,5 h
Kurssimaksu: 95 euroa
Ilmoittautuminen 15.5. mennessä.
Ilmoittautuminen täällä.
Jussi Nousiainen, born in Finland, is currently based in Amsterdam. He graduated with a MA of Dance in 1996 at TEAK (Theater Academy of Helsinki) in Finland. In 2018 he got his MA in Art, Culture and Society at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He has danced for numerous companies and choreographers, Charleroi Dans, Itzik Galili, Ohad Naharin, anoukvandijk dc, Tero Saarinen co, Frankfurt Ballet, 420 People and Kirsi Monni among others. Next to his dance and teaching career, he also has created choreographies for schools, companies and production houses in the Netherlands, and touring works nationally. His has been recently collaborating as a dancer for choreographer Stephen Shropshire. The last creation 'We are Nowhere But Here' was rewarded with the Golden swan in 2018.
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Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Mahdolliset peruutukset on tehtävä viimeistään viimeisenä ilmoittautumispäivänä klo 18 mennessä sähköpostilla elina.ruoho-kurola@zodiak.fi. Tarkista kurssin viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä ylempää tältä sivulta. Tämän jälkeen peruutuksesta peritään kurssimaksu kokonaisuudessaan, ellei osallistujalla ole esittää lääkärintodistusta.
Zodiakin järjestämiä kursseja ja työpajoja voi maksaa myös kulttuuri- ja liikuntaseteleillä (Smartum Oy) sekä virikeseteleillä (Edenred Oy). Voit maksaa seteleillä kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla tai tuoda setelit Zodiakin toimistoon sen aukioloaikoina (arkisin klo 11-16). Kursseja ei ole mahdollista maksaa käteisellä.
Lisätiedot ja tiedustelut: Elina Ruoho-Kurola, elina.ruoho-kurola@zodiak.fi, p. 050 587 0470 (arkisin klo 11-16)