HUOM! Ilmoittautumisaikaa jatkettu.

The workshop is a long journey where the participants are going to create a choreographic pattern to investigate the masculinity in different cultures: an artistic project that meets the expressive gestures of Physical theatre and dance techniques with the "not enough expressed" stories of homosexuality from different backgrounds.

What the movements say about you? How do you stand, sit, talk and watch the others? How you interact with the other men? Still in many of our countries there are prejudices, intolerance and ignorance toward the homosexuality. Especially in those countries around the Mediterranean Sea, men have to follow the cultural parameters of the strong, powerful and successful "macho", hiding the inner identity and becoming a empty shells that follow the norms and rules of the chauvinist society.

The aim of the project is to give voice to a thematic that is still a taboo and controversial: the plan is to create a performance (50 min long)​ focused on the results of the workshop.
The language is based on Physical Theatre technique with a research on gestures and pedestrian movements in combinations with the individual stories of each participants.

The course is intended for men (or who feels a connection with the inner/outer masculinity) of all ages, for beginners as well as dancers with previous experience. The participants have to be comfortable to talk and investigate about homosexuality. Course is in English, Finnish and Arabic.

There will be an intensive rehearsals session and eventual performance during the 1st week of January (to be confirmed) for those workshop participants who want to be part of the performance.

Torstaisin 4.10.-20.12. (huom! ei tuntia 25.10, 15.11., 6.12.) klo 18-20
Ohjaaja: Beniamino Borghi
Paikka: Zodiak studio C4
Kesto: 9 krt / 18h
Kurssimaksu: 145 euroa
Kurssi on alkanut mutta mukaan voi tulla vielä. Ota yhteyttä

Beniamino Borghi (b. 1978) born in Milan, is a dancer, choreographer and media artist. He has danced since the age of eight and masters several dance techniques including tap dance, ballet, modern-jazz, contemporary and contact. He graduated as Interior designer and at the same time attended several workshop for professional dancers lead by relevant choreographers: David Hernandez, Ted Stoffer, Koshro Adibi, Inaki Azpillaga, David Zambrano, Tero Saarinen and DV8 Physical Theatre. He has worked as a dance teacher and choreographer for amateurs group (LODC in Loviisa) as well as professionals (Boomtown Dance and Kaakon Tanssi ry in Kotka). At the moment Beniamino is the artistic director of the dance company tanssiARTesaani.

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Varmista paikkasi kurssille ilmoittautumalla hyvissä ajoin. Kurssikirje ja -lasku lähetetään osallistujille heti ilmoittautumisajan umpeuduttua sähköpostitse. Jos laskua tai kirjettä ei löydy sähköpostistasi niin muistathan tarkistaa myös sähköpostisi roskapostikansion.

Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Mahdolliset peruutukset on tehtävä viimeistään viimeisenä ilmoittautumispäivänä klo 18 mennessä sähköpostilla Tarkista kurssin viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä ylempää tältä sivulta. Tämän jälkeen peruutuksesta peritään kurssimaksu kokonaisuudessaan, ellei osallistujalla ole esittää lääkärintodistusta.

Zodiakin järjestämiä kursseja ja työpajoja voi maksaa myös kulttuuri- ja liikuntaseteleillä (Smartum Oy) sekä virikeseteleillä (Edenred Oy). Voit maksaa seteleillä kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla tai tuoda setelit Zodiakin toimistoon sen aukioloaikoina (arkisin klo 11-16). Kursseja ei ole mahdollista maksaa käteisellä.

Lisätiedot ja tiedustelut: Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p. 050 587 0470 (arkisin klo 11-16)