The Oblivia collective sheds light on its artistic practice in workshop under the theme Structures of Love.
In this workshop, we introduce our do what you saw devising method. We begin with warm-ups of the body and the voice, then proceed to work using the do what you saw method, a way of producing and sharing material collectively. By distilling and sharing materials that are created together, the participants produce a rich array of artistic matter that is put to use at the end of the day. The workshop encourages the participants to try distilling, filtering and
sharing of ideas to transform them collectively into action, sound and text. The participants encounter new ways of working through subtlety, humour, presence and timing.
The do what you saw method was originally born as a tool for collective production of artistic material for Oblivia's performances between its founding members Timo Fredriksson, Anna Krzystek (1968–2017) and Annika Tudeer. Oblivia’s work as a collective has now continued for almost two decades.
Saturday-Sunday 21.-22.9. at 12-16
Instructor: Oblivia / Annika Tudeer
Place: Zodiak studio C4
Duration: 8 h
Participation fee: 75 euro
Enrolmen by 13.9.
Enrolment here
Performing arts group Oblivia was founded in Helsinki in 2000, and is famous for its ambitious ideas yet minimalistic performances. Oblivia’s audience has learned to expect experiences that are always new yet recognizably Oblivian. Oblivia has developed through various stages from a workgroup into an internationally recognised, constantly active collective with that collaborates with theatres, groups and artists home and abroad exploring the present moment through new methods in performing arts.
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Availability is limited, so sign up in time! Welcome letters and invoices are sent to participants’ email address immediately after registration closes. If you do not find the course letter or the invoice in your email please also check the junk mail folder.
Enrolment is binding. Cancellations must be communicated on the last enrolment day by 6pm the latest by email to Please check this course's last day of enrolment from above. With the exception of injuries and illnesses certified in writing by a doctor, cancellations made later than the deadline are subject to full course fee. An administrative fee, 10 % of the course fee, will be charged from all cancellations.
Zodiak's courses and workshops can also be paid by Smartum kulttuuri and liikunta vouchers and by SmartumPay application as well as by Edenred Virikeseteli vouchers and MyEdenred mobile app. It is not possible to pay the course fee with cash or with debit/credit card.
For further inquiries, please contact Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p. 050 587 0470 (weekdays from 11 am to 4 pm).