This spring, Ervi Sirén teaches morning classes for dance professionals twice a week. The focus is on the art of the dancer. Sirén has been an influential teacher in Finnish contemporary dance since the 1970s. During her long career as professor of the Dance Department at Theatre Academy Helsinki, Sirén has developed her method and profound understanding of the dancing body. Morning classes can be attended once or twice a week.
TIME: Tuesdays and Thursdays 26.2.–28.3. at 9.30–11.30, total 10/20 hrs
PLACE: Zodiak stage
FEE: 65/100 €
Last date for enrolments and withdrawals is seven days prior to the beginning. After this date, refunds for withdrawals are only possible in case of illness with doctor’s certificate required. Without a certificate, course fee is due in full amount. Further information:
COURSE IS FULL! In case you want to have your name on a waiting list, please send an e-mail to