The Indulge the Movement - Contemporary Dance for All courses focus on motion and dancing. A number of instructors introduce different perspectives to contemporary dance and personal motion-based expression. The course, arranged in three periods of five weeks, is excellent for both beginners as well as more experienced dancers. Participants can attend one period or all periods. The instructors are mostly the artists also performing in Zodiak during the current and coming seasons. For more information, please see the links here below.
A choice of two courses: Tuesday class and Wednesday class. The language used in the classes are Finnish and English.
Participation fee 175 euro for the whole season, 70 euro for one period
See the last day to enrol bere below.
NB. Wednesday's group, period 3, still has places available. All other periods are now full.
Enrolment here.
Sign up for the waiting list here.
Tuesday classes 3.9.-10.12. at 18-19.30
Period 1, 3.9.-1.10.
Instructor: Marika Peura
Enrolment by 19.8.
Period 2, 8.10.-5.11.
Instructor: Jarkko Partanen
Enrolment by 23.9.
Period 3, 12.11.-10.12.
Instructor: Katri Soini
Enrolment by 28.10.
Wednesday classes 4.9.-11.12. at 18-19.30
Period 1, 4.9.-2.10.
Instructor: Elina Pirinen
Enrolment by 20.8.
Period 2, 9.10.-6.11.
Instructor: Jenni-Elina von Bagh
Enrolment by 24.9.
Period 3, 13.11.-11.12.
Instructor: Mikko Makkonen
Enrolment by 29.10.
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Availability is limited, so sign up in time! Welcome letters and invoices are sent to participants’ email address immediately after registration closes. If you do not find the course letter or the invoice in your email please also check the junk mail folder.
Enrolment is binding. Cancellations must be communicated on the last enrolment day by 6pm the latest by email to Please check this course's last day of enrolment from above. With the exception of injuries and illnesses certified in writing by a doctor, cancellations made later than the deadline are subject to full course fee. An administrative fee, 10 % of the course fee, will be charged from all cancellations.
Zodiak's courses and workshops can also be paid by Smartum kulttuuri and liikunta vouchers and by SmartumPay application as well as by Edenred Virikeseteli vouchers and MyEdenred mobile app. It is not possible to pay the course fee with cash or with debit/credit card.
For further inquiries, please contact Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p. 050 587 0470 (weekdays from 11 am to 4 pm).