The autumn course by Jenni-Elina von Bagh and Hanna Raiskinmäki focuses on the Interacting with the Inner Partner method, a solo improvisation discipline focusing on the psychosomatic and expressive spectrum, in a group of a maximum of 12 students.
(Inter)acting with the Inner Partner (IwIP) is a improvisation method originally developed by author, performer, psychologist and teacher Ivan Vyskočil in Prague in the 1960s. IwIP exercises are performed in an empty space in a dialogic relationship with internal partners, while other participants observe and witness. Internal partners are made perceptible through production of sound, embodiment, spatiality, hearing, situational awareness, recognition of the experience and observation both by the performer and the witnesses.
The course is open for both professional performers and amateurs of different experience levels. Participants can study the entire autumn or take part in the first or the second part only. The first part runs from 12 to 17 September, while the second part runs from 14 November to 19 December, with both von Bagh and Raiskinmäki as instructors in most of the sessions. Languages used are Finnish and English.
Thursday 12.9.-17.10. & 14.11.-19.12. at 18-20
Instructors: Jenni-Elina von Bagh & Hanna Raiskinmäki
Place: Zodiak studio C4
Duration: 12 times / 24 h
Participation fee: 240 euro / whole season, 140 euro / 6 week period
Enrolment by 28.8. - The enrolment has ended but there are still two places available on the first period. Please contact
Jenni-Elina von Bagh is a Helsinki-based choreographer and performer. Her latest works as a choreographer include Posthuman Days (Zodiak 2018), A Life – Nomadic Melodrama (Kallio Stage/TEAK, Helsinki, 2017) and Papers and Pens (TEAK, Helsinki, 2016).
Von Bagh has graduated as a Master of Arts in choreography from the Theatre Academy in spring 2018. As a dancer, she has worked extensively with high-profile domestic and international dance artists. In 2000–2006 she worked in Sweden with Kenneth Kvarnström & Co. and in productions by Örjan Andersson, Helena Franzen and Margaretha Åsberg. In 2003 and 2004 she danced in the Skånes Dansteater. In 2006–2015 she worked as a freelancer and in Helsinki Dance Company with international and top Finnish names including Jyrki Karttunen, Ikuo Kuroda, Jozef Fruzeck, Linda Kapetanea, Ina Christel Johannesen and Deborah Hay.
Jenni-Elina von Bagh’s latest performance A Prologue premieres in Zodiak on 25 February 2020.
Hanna Raiskinmäki on näyttelijä. Hänen viimeisimpiä töitään ovat mm. “Kikka - tarina tähdestä” radiokuunnelma (YLE 2019), “Varamummo” -musikaali (Tuotantoyhtiö Artwise, Kapsäkki 2018-), “A Life - a nomadic melodrama” (Kallio stage/TeaK, Helsinki, 2017), “Joulukalenteri” (YLE 2017), “Noitavaino” (Teatteri Takomo 2016), “Tora & Sopu” (KokoTeatteri 2016), “Merenneito Annabel ja Surullinen Marjatta” (Zodiak 2015), “Kojoottikuu” (Espoon Kaupunginteatteri 2014) sekä “Ihmisen asussa” (Zodiak Uuden tanssin keskus 2009-2014). Raiskinmäki on valmistunut Teatteritaiteen maisteriksi Teatterikorkeakoulun näyttelijäntyön koulutusohjelmasta vuonna 2008. Hän on työskennellyt laaja-alaisesti näyttelijänä, esiintyjänä ja laulajana mm. Teatteri Takomon ensemble jäsenenä, Zodiak Uuden tanssin keskuksessa, lukuisissa teattereissa Helsingissä ja muualla Suomessa, tv:ssä ja radiossa sekä yksityisemmissä tilaisuuksissa.
Raiskinmäki on työskennellyt mm. Jenni-Elina von Baghin, Milja Sarkolan, Eeva Muilun, Pauliina Feodoroffin, Laura Murtomaan, Heidi Räsäsen, Saana Lavasteen, Maarit Ruikan, Teemu Mäen, Niina Hosiasluoman, Noora Dadun, Joanna Haartin, Satu Herralan, Anna Cadian ja Paula Salmisen kanssa.
Hanna Raiskinmäki on harjoittanut IwIP:iä vuodesta 2007 Milja Sarkolan, ja vuodesta 2012 Alexander Komlosin kanssa sekä omissa töissään.
More info about IwIP can be found at
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Availability is limited, so sign up in time! Welcome letters and invoices are sent to participants’ email address immediately after registration closes. If you do not find the course letter or the invoice in your email please also check the junk mail folder.
Enrolment is binding. Cancellations must be communicated on the last enrolment day by 6pm the latest by email to Please check this course's last day of enrolment from above. With the exception of injuries and illnesses certified in writing by a doctor, cancellations made later than the deadline are subject to full course fee. An administrative fee, 10 % of the course fee, will be charged from all cancellations.
Zodiak's courses and workshops can also be paid by Smartum kulttuuri and liikunta vouchers and by SmartumPay application as well as by Edenred Virikeseteli vouchers and MyEdenred mobile app. It is not possible to pay the course fee with cash or with debit/credit card.
For further inquiries, please contact Elina Ruoho-Kurola,, p. 050 587 0470 (weekdays from 11 am to 4 pm).