Photo: La Débordante Cie: Loin / Sismògraf Dance Festival 2019 © Martí Albesa
As one of the partners of the Big Pulse Dance Alliance, Zodiak is delighted to announce an exciting new commission opportunity: Big Pulse Open Air Commissions. We're inviting Expressions of Interest from artists interested in developing portable,…
HAU Hebbel am Ufer / Tanz im August in Berlin is looking for a project manager for the large-scale European cooperative project Big Pulse Dance Alliance. Applications by January 4, 2021.
Photo: Venla Helenius
"and then they left", by Kempainen, Nieminen, Peura, will be premiered in March 2021.
Zodiak's foyer is waiting for the audience at the Side Step Festival 2018. Photo: Uwa Iduozee
Big Pulse Dance Alliance (BPDA), a network of 12 European dance festivals/institutions brought together by their common aim of developing and strengthening the contemporary dance sector, has been selected for European Union co-funding.
Due to the new corona restrictions announced today, Zodiak's remaining activities for 2020 will be cancelled.
The performances of ÖH by Sonja Jokiniemi on Mon 23.11. 19:00 and Tue 24.11. 19:00 have been cancelled due to the new COVID restrictions.
Come and take part in a free workshop in December 2020
Photo: Annika Miettinen
Are you interested in art and performance? Dance artist Kati Raatikainen invites art and culture lovers over the age of 15 living in Northeast Helsinki to make and produce their own light-structured art events and performances in the area during 2021…
Zodiak’s programme is artistically curated. The work of the curators and the programme selections are primarily based on an open call for applications, but some productions will also emerge through collaboration projects and from other sources. We are now…
Photo: Satbir Singh / Kylässä koillisessa – kiertomatka pihoilta poluille (HKT)
Paikallismaisemia Art Festival invites audience to look at everyday landscapes from a different angle.
Photo: Sinem Kayacan
Zodiak has recruited Sinem Kayacan as visual marketing producer, starting from Sep 1st, 2020. The new position was filled through an open, anonymous call, running in June and July.
LOOKING FOR YOUNG DANCERS! Tanssivintti and Zodiak are for the first time putting together a year-long programme for a youth group.