THERE ARE PLACES AVAILABLE ON THIS COURSE. You can sign up by sending an email to

I am often dissatisfied with my body, and that is stupid. I have worked with my body for almost 15 years, yet still often feel it should be somehow different, or that I should be able to do something I cannot do. This is often paralysing and takes away all joy from physical exercise. Yet I have also had great feelings of pleasure and success through my body. From now on, I have decided to focus on them.

This workshop approaches every type of physical exercise through pleasure. The key question is how physical exercise can be pleasurable, and what would be pleasurable to you. Course activities include touching your own body, dancing, jumping on a trampoline, wrestling and hugging plus things that usually cannot be done alone, such as levitation. Great care is taken to ensure the exercises are good for exactly your skill level, physical strength and courage – yet we also challenge each other forward.

No earlier sports or dance experience is required, but the workshop is also good for more experienced trainers. Come alone, or bring a partner, friend or parent. 

Mondays at 18-20, 27 February -3 April
Instructor: Jarkko Partanen
Location: Zodiak Studio C4
Duration: 6 sessions / 12 hours
Participation fee: 92 €
Cancellations by 17.2.

NB. In 2017 Zodiak has started sending course letters and invoices via email.

Availability is limited, so sign up in time! Welcome letters and invoices are sent to participants’ email address immediately after registration closes. If you do not find the course letter or the invoice in your email please also check the junk mail folder.

Cancellations must be communicated on the last cancellation day by 4 pm the latest. Please check this course's last day of cancellation from above. With the exception of injuries and illnesses certified in writing by a doctor, cancellations made later than the deadline are subject to full course fee.

Zodiak's courses and workshops can also be paid using pre-paid Liikuntaseteli and Kulttuuriseteli vouchers (Smartum Oy) as well as Virikeseteli vouchers (Edenred Oy). You can pay with the vouchers in the beginning of the first class (only exact amounts) or you can bring the vouchers to Zodiak office (open weekdays 11 am to 4 pm). It is not possible to pay the course fee with cash.

For further inquiries, please contact Inari Pesonen at or 050 412 7116 (weekdays from 11 am to 4 pm).