Wild Thing invokes things that run wild and free. It evokes wild embodiments, explores the wild states of various things/creatures and reorganizes power and effect relations. The performance, a self-standing part of choreographer Heli Keskikallio’s Thing series of performances, focuses on two notions: wildness and thingness.
"During our Z-free period, we will work on our collective thinking and practice of wildness. We focus on the concept of wildness and on the drafting of an aesthetics of the wild body. We are fascinated by the mesh-like network of relationships that connects material and immaterial embodiments, and by the agency and the wildness of various materials. What kinds of vibrations, tones and rhythms do different phenomena have? How to allow them to remain free and wild, to refrain from organising things into patterns that make sense to us yet mute that vibration?”
“Some people want to run things, some other things want to run.”
- Fred Moten ja Stefano Harney
Working group: Heli Keskikallio, Taru Koski and Lotta Suomi