Sara Gurevitsch’s Senior Course 1 is divided into two groups, each with identical content. Group A meets on Monday mornings from 10AM to 11:30AM.

Sara Gurevitsch‘s senior course is based on movement improvisation. In the classes, we view the body as a landscape that is constantly changing, rhythmic and relational. We dive into exercises that attune our perception to the materiality of the body and move in the space by observing differences in height, tensions and intercellular distances. We dance together and also work with touch either individually or in small groups. Touch supports reciprocity and the sensing of movement.

Enjoying your own movement is the starting point of Sara’s senior course. Sara believes that doing and learning together leads to transformations in oneself and others, as well as to an intensification of alertness. Music and sound also play a part during the classes.

Sara Gurevitsch has been working artistically in the fields of dance and choreography since 2006, particularly in Finland and the Nordic countries. She graduated as a dancer from the Danish National School of Performing Arts and as a choreographer from the University of the Arts Helsinki's Theatre Academy. In recent years, Gurevitsch has been studying humanities at university, focusing on gender studies. She values ongoing posthumanist discussions with colleagues, contemplating the possibilities and impossibilities of choreography, such as in her latest artistic work, Massiveness and still life, and her role as the artistic coordinator for the Kuudestila event.