Throughout her career spanning over three decades, renowned dance artist Ervi Sirén has had a wide-spread influence on the development of contemporary dance in Finland. As Zodiak’s house-choreographer 2010–2011, she has opened up and revealed new movement qualities in dancers through her unique method.

Sirén’s new creation is intentionally light and playful, full of personality and color.  The piece has been created for four dancers: Hanna Ahti, Elina Hauta-aho, Eeva Muilu ja Nina Viitamäki and will be premiered in September. Sirén’s distinctive way of working includes using and varying different movement themes and tasks.

"Sometimes we perceive. Sometimes we receive. Sometimes we react."


Ervi Sirén Vihje ilosta (Notion of Joy)

Choreography Ervi Sirén
Dancers Hanna Ahti, Elina Hauta-aho, Eeva Muilu, Nina Viitamäki
Sound design Aake Otsala
Light design Anna Pöllänen
Production Zodiak – Uuden tanssin keskus, Ervi Sirén

Post-performance discussion 14.9.

Tickets 20/12 €